Access Control Systems

Access Control Systems

Crown Security can install access control systems to entryways including simple, single doors and commercial gates that can use pin pad security or even a proximity card reader. Both of which will restrict access to authorised users only and increase security.

We can also provide large enterprise security systems that encompass multiple sites across different cities and states that function as one access control system. These systems are vital for the security of Multi National and interstate companies, controlling access of thousands of staff through hundreds of doors, multiple lift cars and many gates.

Crown’s access control systems can be fitted with many forms of access control devices including:

  • Proximity card readers
  • Wireless key fob style remote control buttons
  • High speed readers that recognise a “Puk” style device fitted to vehicles that regularly require automated access though electrically operated gates
  • Biometric readers
  • PIN code pads

Access Control Perth

Why choose Crown Access Control Systems?

  • Track and monitor building access
  • Set up custom access settings for individuals
  • Manage your access control system settings remotely
  • Our systems are high tech, but also easy to implement, use and maintain
  • We can easily integrate your access control system with other parts of your security system


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Track & Monitor Access

Our systems will allow you to keep track of who has entered your home or building.

Individual Access Settings

Create custom access settings for individuals or employees to ensure the right people have access to the right areas.

Manage From Anywhere

Access control settings can be adjusted from any physical location where there is an internet connection.

Easy To Implement & Maintain

We provide an access control solution that is easy to implement, easy to maintain, and easy to use.

Easy Integration

Our access control systems can be installed on your existing doors in a simple & effective manner.

Taking Access Control Systems to the next level

Our sophisticated access control systems can also be linked to your IT network to allow you to review the systems history, and track a person’s access throughout a building. This same software can also control card issue and photo ID onto any cards if required.

Contact us today to see how our access control systems can help your business with complete access control here in Perth

Wondering what other systems Crown Security can offer your business? See our range of security systems, security cameras and CCTV camera systems